Lambda | By David Musgrave
In a disturbingly familiar parallel world, a small population of tiny, semi-aquatic humans known as lambdas has quietly lived in the capital for decades. When a school bombing is claimed by an unknown faction of their community, everything changes. Meet Cara Gray, anarchist-turned-surveillance officer, who is trialling an application that will render her life as a novel.
Experience a world of government agents made of slime mould protein, dubious quantum computers, and sentient toothbrushes.
Lambda | By David Musgrave
In a disturbingly familiar parallel world, a small population of tiny, semi-aquatic humans known as lambdas has quietly lived in the capital for decades. When a school bombing is claimed by an unknown faction of their community, everything changes. Meet Cara Gray, anarchist-turned-surveillance officer, who is trialling an application that will render her life as a novel.
Experience a world of government agents made of slime mould protein, dubious quantum computers, and sentient toothbrushes.
Lambda | By David Musgrave
In a disturbingly familiar parallel world, a small population of tiny, semi-aquatic humans known as lambdas has quietly lived in the capital for decades. When a school bombing is claimed by an unknown faction of their community, everything changes. Meet Cara Gray, anarchist-turned-surveillance officer, who is trialling an application that will render her life as a novel.
Experience a world of government agents made of slime mould protein, dubious quantum computers, and sentient toothbrushes.